Project DANTE


DANTE aims to identify and eliminate administrative barriers for transport on the Danube as a joint initiative of the private sector and the national public authorities responsible for these barriers. The project partners will develop good practices and guidelines for an efficient administration of transport activities on the Danube, in relation to the identified barriers. The proposed solutions will be discussed with the national authorities, as well as with the transnational ones. This approach will provide quick solutions and facilitate a broad harmonization of procedures and processes along the Danube River. A key element for the successful implementation of the project will be the development of a transnational tool for reporting transport barriers on the Danube to collect user experiences.

The DANTE project is co-financed from European Union funds (FEDER, IPA) within the Danube transnational program and runs for a period of 30 months (January 2017 – June 2019). It will be implemented by a transnational consortium formed by 16 co-financed organizations and 12 associated strategic partners (public authorities, consulting companies, universities and NGOs) from 10 European countries (Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania , Bulgaria, Moldova and Ukraine). The project has a total budget of 1,982,786.00 Euros, of which the ERDF funds represent 1,650,134.75 Euros and the IPA funds 35,233.35 Euros.


More information on this project is available on
