- +4 0236 460380
- office@aaopf.ro
- Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 16:30
The Association of Shipowners and Port - River Operators from Romania operates as a public utility association based on GD no. 356/2001. The association has Romanian nationality, is apolitical, non-governmental and carries out its activity in accordance with Romanian laws and the present statute.
The headquarters of the association is in Romania, Galati municipality, str. Albatrosului, no. 2, Bl. N1, Ap. 02, Galati county.
The purpose of the association is to equally represent the interests of all associated members vis-à-vis the authorities of the state administration, internal and international bodies or other associations and institutions with which it enters into relations through their activity, as well as carrying out activities of general interest, community or non-patrimonial staff of its members. The association will carry out its activity to achieve the following objectives:
The patrimonial resources of the association are made up of the following categories:
a) members' contributions;
b) interest and dividends resulting from the placement of available amounts;
c) dividends of commercial companies established by AAOPFR;
d) donations, sponsorships or links;
e) resources obtained from the state budget and/or from local budgets;
f) other income provided by law.
Any legal person who: can be an associate member.
Acquiring the membership of the association is done on the basis of an application, approved by the Board of Directors at the proposal of the executive management, and the membership of the association is attested by the AAOPFR Membership Certificate, which is issued after the approval of the application by the Board of Directors."
AAOPFR members have the following rights:
(1) to participate in the general meetings;
(2) to elect and be elected in management positions;
(3) to take part in the activities organized by the association;
(4) to use the database and the knowledge of the association's specialists;
(5) to participate in internal and international meetings specific to the association's activities as its representatives;
(6) to benefit from the results of the efforts undertaken by the association for the most efficient activity in the field;
(7) to request any statutory aid;
(8) to receive the AAOPFR Membership Certificate
(9) to benefit from priority and facilities for all services provided by or through the association of third parties.
Associate members have the following obligations:
(1) to comply with the provisions of this statute and the decisions of the General Assembly;
(2) to participate through own or attracted means, in the actions, projects, efforts undertaken by the association for the fulfillment of the proposed objectives;
(3) to contribute through own or attracted financial means to the application of approved projects/programs and the achievement of objectives or activities of interest to the association;
(4) not to undertake actions of a nature to prejudice the interests of the association and its members;
(5) to pay the financial obligations committed to the association: membership fee, other financial contributions decided by the General Assembly, etc. from the date of admission to the association, until the date of loss of membership. The amount of the annual contribution is established by the General Assembly on three levels, depending on the turnover of each associate member;
(6) to participate in the ordinary and extraordinary general meetings and the meetings of the Board of Directors to which he is invited;
(7) to present himself at the annual meeting with the Membership Certificate for the visa.
The bodies of the association are:
1. General Assembly;
2. The Board of Directors;
3. The censor.
The general assembly is the governing body made up of all associated members, which meets in ordinary and extraordinary meetings.
The general meeting is statutorily constituted when the participation - in person or by representation - of at least half plus 1 of the associated members is ensured. The decisions of the general assembly are adopted with the vote of 2/3 of the number of votes cast by the members present/represented in the assembly.
Assembly decisions are taken by open vote. The right to vote cannot be transferred. Is any convention regarding the exercise of the right to vote in a certain way void?
The decisions adopted by the general meeting, within the limits of the law, are binding for all associated members, even for those who did not take part in the general meeting or voted against;
Attributions of the General Assembly
(1) Establishing the strategy and general objectives of the association;
(2) Approval of the income and expenditure budget and the accounting balance sheet;
(3) Election and revocation of the members of the board of directors, of the censor;
(4) Establishment of subsidiaries;
(5) Change of seat;
(6) Amendment of the constitutive act and statute;
(7) The establishment/adherence to federations, other associations or companies/economic structures, the dissolution and liquidation of the association and the determination of the destination of the remaining assets after the liquidation, in the event that at the respective date it is no longer a public interest association;
(8) Any other issues of interest to the association.
The board of directors is the body that ensures the execution of the decisions of the general assembly and is made up of 3 members, of which 1 president, 1 vice-president with the problems of shipping companies and 1 vice-president with the problems of port operators and with activities related to naval transport.
The members of the board of directors are elected - by secret ballot - from among the legal representatives of the association's members, for a period of two years with the right to be re-elected. Any of the members of the board of directors can be revoked by the general assembly with the vote of 2/3 of the number of associated members present at the assembly. The organization and functioning of the board of directors will be established by its operating regulations.
The internal financial control of the association is ensured by a censor. He cannot be a censor, and if he was elected, he forfeits his mandate:
a) a member of the board of directors;
b) a relative up to the fourth degree inclusive or the wife (husband) of one of the members of the board of directors;
c) a person who receives in any form, for functions other than that of censor, a salary or remuneration from the association;
The censor is elected by the general meeting. The duration of his mandate is 2 years and he can be re-elected. The censor of the association has the following powers:
(1) Check the management of the association's assets;
(2) Draws up reports on the administration of the patrimony;
(3) Fulfills the mandate entrusted by the general assembly;
(4) He can participate in the meetings of the board of directors, without the right to vote.
The modification of the articles of association and the statute of the association is the exclusive attribute of the Extraordinary General Meeting, which can decide with a minimum of 2/3 of the number of votes expressed by the associated members present/represented in the meeting, vote expressed directly, by proxy or in writing.
The dissolution/liquidation of the association will be done according to the procedures provided by law for public utility associations. If, on the date of dissolution, the association is no longer of public utility, the liquidation will be done in accordance with the decision of the general assembly, which will decide on the dissolution and liquidation of the association.
The Association of Shipowners and Port - River Operators from Romania, under the conditions of the law, may constitute a federation, or may affiliate to existing federations or to other similar domestic and international bodies. The provisions of this statute are supplemented by the legal provisions regarding associations.